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These are fully and professionally restored - and are original MG Lucas PLC6 dash panel switches,
“Price is for one (1) unit only”- I can supply further restoration pictures and details if required,
These were part of a commissioned, supply and restoration, order from a specialist in Europe that was later cancelled! (During covid)
These also suit some Morgan 3 wheelers and sports cars, Aston Martin DB2, Allard, A.C.sports cars, early Land Rover Series 1 1948 to 1953, - Fits various early BSA, Ariel, and other British Classic motorcycles from 1930’s to 1950’s, including :-Enfield 500cc twins, Sunbeam S7,S8 500cc models and all Triumph models (1939).
Far superior to the available “non bakelite” replicas and copies from asian and Indian suppliers.
And have a high quality finish as on original items - genuine Lucas - not reproductions!
The s/h switches acquired over quite a period - then completely dismantled, ultrasonic cleaned and inspected, all serviceable parts checked,(worn parts discarded)
- and then reconditioned, using n.o.s. Lucas parts as needed.
Including most with a re-chromed bezel, or good original, - repainted as the originals were and then a lettering decal applied,
Original bakelite housings and correct flat style handles were polished as well as all the internal/external electrical connections, contacts dressed, etc. and lubricated before assembly,
They come with the wire retaining clip, and screw and nut, and the rear mounting/sealing gasket,
Sometimes called a PLC5, so confusing, these are not the Lucas PLC6 later types with an upswept handle and small window
There are a number of plc6 switches all with variations and part nos.!!
I have attached some Lucas notes in pics.
These are restored with original new Lucas parts fitted as required,
Taking a lot of time for a good result! (Many hours!)
Some with new bakelite handles! from the U.K. - (expensive @ $56.00 each!)
And some with new Lucas barrel and key assy. (@$30.18)
And some with good s/h original mrn,fa,key types with spare key blank etc as orig.(locksmith $$)
British std. chrome plating ($$$!)
Double B.A. locking nuts fitted on ign. shaft instead of soldering
Any queries - happy to help,