$15Pick up and pay cash or post for $9 . Pay direct deposit or PayPal 64 pages, road tests, specs, new models, etc, nice condition. Compiled by R M Clarke Brooklands UK
$20Pick up and pay cash or post for $9 . Pay direct deposit or PayPal 143 pages, small size book, quality production, well illustrated, great collection of tech. advice for MGs. MG Club UK.
Negotiable$30 (est.) postage (Australia) Hello there, Hardcover British repair manual, which belonged to my uncle who was an excellent mechanic. It has been covered in plastic so it is in...
$15Pick up pay cash or post for $12 pay direct deposit or paypal All makes, great colour photos of old ads, etc, a lot of information, A4 size, 249 pages 2 copies available
$20Pick up and pay cash, or post for $14. Pay direct deposit or PayPal or pay-id 144 pages quarto size hardcover, laminated cover, b/w photos, great articles everything that happened MG in 1977.
Photos: 1
Location: Sefton NSW
Last updated: Mon, 14th Oct 2024
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